Magazine Design Project
1. How does the design that you created demonstrate your knowledge of Magazine Design and the parts of a magazine cover and interior?
My magazine cover demonstrates my knowledge of magazine design because the cover has all of the aspects that it should have, and it effectively communicates the main headline of the main article and what it will be about with the “summary” below it; also, it has a nice design aspect to it, and the left third is utilized. The interior demonstrates the knowledge of magazine design because it has pictures, the pull quote, a creative aspect with the chart, and a pull quote that stands out of the article.
2. In what ways does your magazine connect to the corporate identity of the magazine? What are some design queues that you used from the existing magazine?
We used the same exact masthead as the Sports Illustrated magazine does, we were inspired by the cover of one of their editions to put some of the coverlines on top, we dedicated a whole page of the interior to a picture of LeBron, and we used an italicized font for our pull quote, just like they do.
3. How did you like working with a partner? How do you think working with a partner makes the design process easier and more difficult?
I liked working with a partner. It makes the process easier because you have someone to bounce ideas off of and give you changes that you can make. On the other hand, if you do not communicate with your partner, the cover and interior will not look like it was done by one person, which is a crucial aspect of this project.
4. Looking at your partner’s design, if you were to design your partner’s portion by yourself how would it look different?
I may have added different pictures, designed the pull quote differently, and use different fonts for the article/pull quote/ words that stand out.
5. Describe the ideal partner (co-worker / co –designer)?
The ideal partner is someone that you are compatible with. You can listen to what they have to say (advice or criticism), you can tell them what you like/don’t like, and you work in unison with the other person.