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T-shirt Design Project

1. What was your job for this project?

My job for this project was to create a design for a certain company that could go onto a t-shirt.

2. What was the design process you took to complete the project? Please list your steps below.

- Picked my company’s name out of a hat

- Drew different designs/ideas on template shirts on a piece of paper (almost like composition grids) (picking out the fonts, placement, etc.)

- Once approved by Mr. Kunz, I transformed my design from paper onto Adobe Illustrator.

- I made sure to shape build anything I needed to, outline strokes/paths, etc.

- Once I finished the design, I put it in the dropbox, where Mr. Kunz cut my design and I peeled off all of the negative space

- Mr. Kunz pressed my design onto my t-shirt and the project was finished.

3. What did you find most challenging about your design?

Coming up with my ideas was the most challenging part of my design. I had so many options planned out for this that putting all of them on paper gave me a hard time. Also, I realized that some of my ideas didn’t work out, so I had to think of new ones to attempt to bring to life.

4. If you can change one thing about your design what would you change?

If I can change one thing about my design, I would change the actual design of the rocket. I think it may have been too simple to be a t-shirt design. Also, I originally had lines coming out of the firework, almost like streamers, which I think could’ve been cool if I attempted to do it.

5. What do you think makes a good graphic t-shirt design?

A good graphic t-shirt design must have a graphic that relates to the company the t-shirt is for, fonts that relate to the graphic (either literally or figuratively), and a color scheme that complements the shirt color or the color(s) of the logo of the company.

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